Buildings of Local Heritage and Townscape Value
Area of Special Character
It is an aspiration that New Milton has a new Conservation Area and it be focussed on the north end of Station Road, which includes the Water Tower, Milton Hall and the Station buildings plus other notable structures in close proximity. Through the Neighbourhood Plan and with professional advice currently being sought, we can designate this area as one of ‘Special Character’. In time to come the District Council can then take such evidence and will hopefully designate this as a Conservation Area.
Local List
Current professional advice on this is mixed in terms of timescale. However, we, with the assistance of Nick Saunders, Chairman of the Milton Heritage Society and further professional advice on the building quality side, are working on a list of buildings across the town that should be publicly noted as of particular interest to the town, region and beyond. Whilst this doesn’t save such buildings from potential development, it does provide a layer of protection in that greater justification is needed for future works.