Christmas Message

Season’s Greeting from New Milton Town Mayor, Councillor Alvin Reid.

As the end of the year approaches, I am honoured to send you all my very best wishes for a fabulous Christmas and a prosperous, happy and healthy 2025.

Being your Mayor has given my wife, Vivian, and me the opportunity to take part in many wonderful community events, and to meet many of you and help you celebrate the work you do for our community.  We have been made to feel welcome everywhere we have been, thank you.    

The highlights for us this year included opening the new Youth Building at Ashley, the Ashley Hub, which is now hosting many valuable sessions for young families.     On that same day we took the opportunity to celebrate the improvements made to the Ashley Parade, including the much-needed resurfacing of the pavement.    An excellent project which has really made a difference in Ashley.  

The afternoons of music were very well attended this year, we had an excellent mix of artists for all ages, residents were able to enjoy the Christchurch Royal British Legion Band, Total Madness and Groovemeister playing on the War Memorial Recreation Ground. Look out for another eclectic mix next year.

On Remembrance Sunday the young and the old gather to remember the people of this town and further afield who fought for our freedom and for the many who gave their lives locally.  We will remember them.    

I am looking forward to more engagements next year and to continuing to represent and support you as Mayor for the rest of my tenure.  I will of course be continuing to support the New Milton Men’s Shed which is my chosen charity for this year.

Once more, allow my wife Vivian and me to wish you the compliments of the season and all best wishes for the coming year. 

If we all do a little, collectively we can achieve a lot.