Our Amenities

Around 120 plots are rented across the Parish to residents.
Home to the Town’s Rugby team, the site includes a pavilion and social club.
A perfect place to enjoy nature
A tranquil nature conservation area
A special and rare area of lowland heath-grassland
Indoor and outdoor bowling greens are available adjacent to the Recreation Ground.
The Sports Ground is home to the Town’s Football Club, with grass running track and trim trail.
A beautiful place to play cricket with two grounds and 20 grass pitches.
How we are working to improve the town's green spaces
Open space with rustic play park, stream and footbridges
A fun and free way to get fit for people of all ages.
The dramatic and elegant feature on the War Memorial Recreation Ground.
Find your nearest play park.
Two outdoor tennis courts are available adjacent to the Recreation Ground.
The role and management of trees in the Parish.
A lovely green open space with children’s play area and popular skate park.