Terms of Reference
Finance & General Purposes
This Committee shall:-
- Be responsible for allocating and controlling the financial and personnel resources of the Council. This shall include insurance arrangements and the internal audit of accounts.
- Ensure that the organisational and administrative processes of the Council are designed to make effective contribution to the achievements of the Council’s objectives. The Committee will keep these processes under review in the light of changing circumstances making recommendations as necessary for changes in either Committee structures, or the administrative, financial and executive arrangements of the Council.
- Make arrangements for the establishment, engagement and dismissal of staff through appraisal for their cost effective employment and service.
- To conduct an annual performance appraisal of the Town Clerk, to include review of performance targets for the post and those managed by the post holder. (Chairman of F & GP to nominate from members of Council)
- Make arrangements to deal expeditiously with all matters of a routine nature which are not the responsibility of other Committees, so that matters are either determined or, where appropriate, made the subject of recommendation to the Council to enable them to be determined.
- Be responsible for determining/making recommendations to Council, in respect of Capital or Revenue applications for Grant Aid. Where appropriate the recommendations of the Amenities or Planning Committees shall be sought prior to consideration by this Committee. Where applications are approved/recommended for approval, the following criteria will apply.
- (i) The Committee may approve Capital and Revenue Grants up to and including £2,500.
- (ii) Where it is proposed to award a grant in excess of the sums at (i) above the Committee shall submit an appropriate recommendation to the Council for consideration.
- Whenever possible meet on a Monday evening two weeks prior to a Council meeting.
This Committee shall:-
- Advise the Council on all actions required to be taken concerning the planning, highway and associated authorities and utility boards on matters relating to local planning applications, local and district highways, road safety, coastal protection, utility services and similar matters affecting the town area.
- Have a standing responsibility to examine all planning applications and appeals affecting the town area and shall, WITHOUT reference to the Council, make known its comments thereon to the local planning authority within the statutory time limits imposed.
- Appoint, if appropriate, a Member or Members and/or other suitable person(s) to represent the inhabitants of parts or the whole of the town area of the Council at any public or other inquiry by a Ministry or public body under any act relating to development control or any other aspect of the Committee’s responsibilities.
- Be empowered to liaise with any body, organisation or department of any local authority or utility board on any matter within the Committee’s areas of responsibility.
- Monitor the application and effectiveness of Tree Preservation Orders in the Town Council area and make appropriate recommendations in this connection to the responsible authority.
- The Committee shall usually meet on alternate Thursday evenings, with any potential change notified well in advance via the Calendar of Meetings.
This Committee shall:-
- Promote leisure activities and facilities which shall include maintenance of public recreation grounds, parks, sports fields, open spaces, allotment sites, flower/shrub beds, bus shelters and similar areas which are the responsibility of the Council.
- As appropriate, monitor, liaise, advise and where necessary arrange activities or functions connected with powers relating to entertainment, the arts, welfare services, public library, and tourism. This shall include recommendations for financial assistance.
- Decision to allow or refuse events on the War Memorial Recreation Ground in Whitefield Road (specifically) is delegated to the Amenities Chairman (or Deputy) and the Town Clerk (or Assistant) if there is no meeting in a reasonable timescale.
- Monitor the provision and maintenance of all outdoor recreational sports and similar amenity services in the town area and make recommendations on these aspects as appropriate, to the Council or other responsible authority.
- Be responsible for the provision of street markets and all aspects associated with it, together with Car Boot sales.
- Be responsible for the provision and/or maintenance of public seats, litter bins and footpaths which are the recognised responsibility of the Council.
- Arrange and publish its own programme of meetings.
- Whenever possible meet on a Monday evening two weeks prior to the meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
This Committee shall:-
- Guide the Council in the formulation of its plan of objectives and priorities and for this purpose will recommend to the Council such forward programmes and other steps as may be necessary to achieve these objectives, either wholly or in part during specific periods of time.
- Be responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of the Council’s work standards and levels of service provided. It will identify the need for new services and keep existing ones under review. It will submit to the Council concurrent reports from other Committees on new policies or changes in existing policy formulated by such Committees, particularly those which may have a significant impact upon the resources of the Council. It will scrutinise the projects of the Standing Committees in particular regard to due process.
- Be responsible for capital projects and land resources of the Council. This shall include arrangements for the acquisition, allocation, disposal and inventory of any land, buildings and/or substantial property.
- Make preliminary budget recommendations to the Finance and General Purposes Committee, Amenities Committee and Planning Committee in time for them to table their formal proposals in accordance with the timetable prescribed in paragraph 3.2 of Appendix B (Financial Regulations).
- Receive and deal with any special references from the Council.
- Take urgent action in the interest of the Council in any situation where time precludes normal Council or Committee consideration of a particular matter.
- Report back to Council/Committee as appropriate, all action taken with particular reference to any unavoidable departure from Standing Orders.
- The Committee is authorised to incur expenditure on behalf of the Council up to but not exceeding £10,000. Authority to exceed this limit may be given in advance by the Council in specified instances only. (Financial Regulations refer.)
- Hold a budget meeting in November of each year, and Strategy meeting within the first quarter of a new term.