
The Town Council are proud owners of many species of trees and aged specimens on council land and acknowledge responsibility to manage these prized assets for the benefit of our community and environment.

We will manage land in the best interests of nature conservation, to support and encourage public access, whilst taking reasonable steps to prevent foreseeable harm to people or property.

Further information about our Tree Policies:

Tree Work Policy

Tree Replacement Policy

This popular initiative is part of the Town Council Environmental Sustainability Climate Change Action Plan.  As we all know trees give us oxygen, store carbon, improve air quality, conserve water, preserve soil, support wildlife, and they also make our communities and open spaces more beautiful and improve our wellbeing.

We invite the public to contribute to this scheme, to support our green canopy, by choosing a species of tree and the desired location from the list and map provided below.

Plant a Tree Policy

Plant a Tree list and order form